Quote Media
Publishing (Programming)
Initial investment date: December 1995
Realisation date: April 2000
Trade: Magazine Publishing
Business description: Quote Media was, at the time of GMT's investment, the third largest consumer magazine publishing company in the Netherlands, publishing five monthly or bimonthly magazines and a series of ancillary products that capitalised on the strength of the company’s publishing brands. In partnership with the GMT team, Quote was able to launch and operate The Box (Holland), an interactive music video channel provided to cable subscribers via a joint venture with Video Jukebox Inc. (subsequently acquired by TCI Music). Quote’s portfolio of brand name magazines had been developed over the preceding ten years and most were leading titles in their respective niche markets as measured by revenues and/or circulation, and were able to serve as platforms for expanding into other advertising-driven media in the Netherlands. Quote also launched a successful ISP early in the development of the Internet in the Netherlands. GMT sold its interest in Quote to management and certain shareholders in April 2000.